I'm not particularly trained. I barely have a base, and because so I've done virtually no speedwork. I'm heavier than I want to be.
So why am I running the New England Mountain Running series?
Because I CAN.
Years ago, when I was "serious" about running- translate- my horse was lame and I couldn't ride, I had endometriosis that was not well controlled. It meant that I could squeeze in 19 days of running, followed by 4 days of being so grokked out on pain medication that I could barely function. It meant that certain days were totally off the table for running, and in particular, racing. Ya do what ya gotta do, right? But I wouldn't be human if I didn't say that it was irritating to not be able to run a series of races. Back then I was "into" the Mt Washington Road Race, and thus ran many of the mountain races as prep races, but never the whole series.
Fast forward to perimenopause (a relief from endometriosis that has its own special quirks- hello heart arrythmias!) the ever increasing "grandma bod", and a sudden refusal on my part to spend time in the saddle, I've decided that it's time to drag out this particular axe to grind.
Hence, the New England Mountain Running series. I want their mountain goat status.
Three mountains down, three to go.
Because, after all these years, I CAN.