Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Horsie electrolytes, homemade or???

Ever the frugal horse owner I scoured the internet looking for a good homemade electrolyte recipe, hoping to save myself some cash. I found one I really liked.

26oz (1 canister) non-iodized salt
22oz (2 canisters) lite salt (salt/potassium chloride)
2T epsom salts (magnesium sulfate)

Mix thoroughly, feed as you would any other electrolyte. I mixed up a few batches and fed them out, utterly proud of myself. Then I bothered to add up the expense. Totalling the prices of the ingredients as purchased at the local grocery store came up with a total of $5.79 for 49 ounces, or .12 per one ounce serving.

A 15# bucket of Apple-A-Day electrolytes through Smartpak costs me .12 per one ounce serving with a lot less work. Plus it smells yummy.