Friday, January 15, 2016

Cheryl's in the kitchen, mixin'up the...

thrush powder??

Randy knows better than to get hopeful when I drag put the mixing bowls.  No chocolate cake with chocolate frosting today!

My project as of late has been thrush powder.  I'm always looking for thrush remedies that are effective, not caustic, and not expensive.  Most of the ingredients for this I sourced inexpensively on Ebay. I also happened to have a few squeeze bottles lying around for applying the powder, but once again Ebay sellers have Yorker top squeeze bottles for sale on the cheap.

The recipe:

1C sodium bentonite powder
1 1/2C diatomaceous earth powder
4T copper sulfate powder
1T oregano leaf powder
1T eucalyptus leaf powder

Whisk together, fill bottle.
Apply to cleaned frog once daily.  Sometimes I'll spray the hoof with apple cider vinegar with some tee tree oil in it or old fashioned Listerine before applying the thrush powder.  

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